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Experienced Irrigation Experts Since 1866

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Comprehensive Secondary Watering Information

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Your Trusted Irrigation Experts

Hooper Irrigation Company brings over 150 years of water irrigation expertise to Weber & Davis Counties. Since 1866, we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing top-notch irrigation solutions for farmers and residential homeowners. With our extensive knowledge, we ensure your land receives optimal watering with ease and efficiency. Focusing on reliability and simplicity, we offer intuitive tools to help manage your irrigation water. Trust our legacy of excellence, where irrigation meets innovation and dedication.

Water Schedules
Secondary Water
Development & Canal Crossings
News & Updates
creek and mountain range

Our Rich History

As a non-profit organization, Hooper Irrigation Company has been a staple in Weber and Davis County communities since 1866. Established by pioneers, we have a longstanding tradition of supplying farmers with irrigation water. We expanded our services to include secondary water for residential homes starting in 2003, beginning with a pond and pump station. Soon after, we added more facilities to meet the growing demands, solidifying our commitment to everyone in our community.

What Are Secondary Water Systems?

Secondary water systems provide non-potable water for landscape irrigation, helping to conserve drinking water for essential use. These types of systems draw water from nearby rivers, lakes, and reservoirs and distribute it through a separate network of canals and pipes. Each system is user-friendly and cost-effective for maintaining lush lawns and thriving gardens. With secondary water, you contribute to sustainable water management in our communities. These systems are crucial for effective water conservation and significantly reduce your household’s dependency on using drinking water for outdoor watering.

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What’s New in the Neighborhood?

Stay informed with the latest news and updates from Hooper Irrigation Company. Here, we will keep you connected with essential announcements, service alerts, and community happenings. Find information about irrigation schedules, seasonal tips, and important reminders for maintaining your systems. We are committed to ensuring you have easy access to current events and developments that could impact your irrigation service. Check back to stay up-to-date with all the important information, helping you manage your water usage efficiently and effectively throughout the year.

News & Updates

Get Started With Hooper Irrigation Company

Experience the benefits of streamlined irrigation management today. Sign up for your secondary water service agreements easily online and access valuable resources tailored to your needs. Whether you’re a farmer or residential homeowner, we are here to support you every step of the way. Join a community committed to sustainable water practices and enjoy the convenience of expert irrigation solutions.

Hooper Irrigation Company

5375 South 5500 West
Hooper, UT 84315



Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday-Thursday 12-1 PM Closed for Lunch

5375 S 5500 W, Hooper, UT 84315, USA