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Find Your Irrigation Experts in Western Weber and Davis Counties

At Hooper Irrigation Company, we have provided water to the western part of Weber and Davis Counties since 1866. We specialize in irrigation solutions tailored to farmers and residential homeowners. Our user-friendly website lets you quickly sign your secondary water service agreements, and check your Water Schedules, making water management easier for everyone.

water canal

What We Stand For

We are dedicated to providing essential irrigation services to cities and towns in Weber and Davis Counties. As a non-profit organization, we deliver secondary and flood irrigation water to specific areas across each county. We aim to ensure efficient, accessible, and sustainable water management for all users. This website is your resource for vital information and online services, helping you manage your irrigation needs seamlessly. Trust us to support your land’s growth and vitality for years to come.

Our Dedicated Board of Directors

Our dedicated and experienced board of directors is committed to overseeing our operations and ensuring top-notch irrigation services for our community. These leaders bring a wealth of knowledge from various branches, working collaboratively to achieve our mission of sustainable water management. Each Director plays a vital role in maintaining the smooth functioning of our services, supporting both farmers and residential homeowners. Meet our wonderful board below:

  • Rex Hancock – President, West Weber Branch
  • Stan Fowers – Vice President, Muskrat Branch
  • John Diamond – Treasurer, South Branch
  • Theo Cox – Frew Branch
  • Dave Favero – Taylor Branch
  • Alan Spaulding – Flinders Branch
  • Rick Miles – North Fork Branch

Friendly and Approachable Staff Members

In addition to our board of directors, our dedicated and hard-working staff members. Everyone brings unique expertise and a passion for serving our community. From managing office tasks to maintaining our extensive canal network, our staff members do crucial work for our mission of sustainable water management. Together, they form the backbone of our operations, demonstrating commitment and excellence daily. That’s why we would like you to meet our staff:

  • Michelle P. – Board Secretary/Office Manager
  • Karla T. – Receptionist
  • Scott F. – Water Master
  • Junior S. – Canal Operator/Maintenance
  • Spencer J. – Secondary Water Manager
  • Lane N. – Secondary Water Operator/Maintenance
  • Carson M. – Secondary Water Operator/Maintenance

Join Us in Sustainable Water Management

Experience the difference that expert irrigation can make. Become part of our community by signing your Secondary Water service agreements online. Hooper Irrigation Company supports your watering needs, boosts your land’s productivity, and preserves valuable resources across Weber and Davis Counties. Let’s work together for a greener, more sustainable future. Interested in applying for Director? Follow the link to our director application and submit it to continue to make a difference. Also, read about our Bylaws to understand more about our important work.

Keep Your Water Sustainable