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Efficient Secondary Water Service in Hooper, Taylor and West Weber

Smart irrigation is the cornerstone of vibrant gardens and productive fields. At Hooper Irrigation Company, our mission centers on providing effective and accessible secondary water services to residents in our service area. Our user-friendly online platform makes it easy to manage watering schedules, pay bills, and sign up for services. Dive into the benefits of secondary water, enhance your irrigation practices, and ensure a lush and thriving landscape season after season. Let’s make water work for you.

sprinklers spraying

How to Sign up for Our Secondary Water Services

To get started with your secondary water service, please create an account by filling out our Service Agreement. For new customers in subdivisions, please DO NOT remove or cut the valve lock present. If you do, you will incur a fine. Once we receive your service agreement, a staff member will be out to remove the lock. Pressurized secondary water is available from mid-April to mid-October, with seasonal notices sent out each spring.

sprinklers spraying

Filling Out Your Secondary Water Service Agreement

Completing your secondary water service agreement online is easy. Start by reading through the rules and regulations provided. These include complying with company rules, allowing company representatives to inspect your irrigation system, and notifying the company once your installation or alterations are ready for inspection. Ensure no trenches are covered until your unit is inspected, and always keep the valve boxes clear of any vegetation. To fill out the form, provide all necessary information, agree to the terms of service and conditions, and submit your agreement through our Service Agreement link. By doing so, this helps ensure smooth water service and system integrity.

Fill Out Service Agreement

Water Restrictions and Guidelines

No watering between the hours of 10AM-6PM.

No watering on consecutive days and/or multiple times in the same day.

Do not allow water to run wasted down a ditch, gutter or onto neighboring properties. (If this is the case your service will be locked until this problem is resolved).

If it is raining DO NOT turn your sprinklers on! Please be aware of the weather and conserve water if mother nature gives us rain.

Overwatering can damage plants and root systems.

Reduce water spraying streets, sidewalks, and driveways.

We recommend watering once a week during the months of April-May and September-October. Then 2-3 times a week during the hot months of June-August.

During your watering it is recommended to water 20 minutes with overhead sprinklers and 45 minutes with rotary head sprinklers. This means if your sprinkler system zone has overhead sprinklers run those zones for 20 minutes. If your sprinkler system has rotary head sprinklers run those zones for 45 minutes.

drip irrigation

Essential Water Conservation Tips

Conserving water is vital for sustainability and maintaining healthy landscapes across our communities. Use efficient water techniques such as drip irrigation or soaker hoses to minimize water waste. You can also schedule watering during cooler mornings and evenings to reduce the amount of water that evaporates. Regularly inspect your irrigation system for leaks and repair them promptly to prevent unnecessary water usage. Use mulch beds to help retain moisture and reduce the need for frequent watering. Drought-resistant plants are available and not only look beautiful but thrive in the local climate. Harvest rainwater to supplement your water supply and keep your utility costs down. All these and more are easy and efficient ways to significantly impact water preservation efforts.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is essential for maintaining a sustainable lifestyle in Weber and Davis Counties. As our community continues to grow, the need for efficient water use has never been more crucial. At Hooper Irrigation Company, we are committed to promoting water conservation practices that support the well-being of our environment and future generations. By following water conservation guidelines, you can contribute to saving water while enjoying the benefits of secondary water services. Discover why it’s essential to conserve water below:

Limited Water Supply

Utah has a limited water supply, making it crucial to use every drop wisely.

Meeting Future Demands

Efficient water use helps meet the future demands of a growing population.

Increase Reservoir Levels

By conserving water, we can improve the water levels in our reservoirs.

Keeping Investment Costs Low

Conserving water delays the need for expensive capital investments to upgrade or expand current facilities.

Minimizing Chemical Leaks

Minimizing water usage lessens the leaching of chemicals and sediments into streams and aquifers.

Balancing Humans and Nature

Conservation efforts help maintain a more sustainable way of life, balancing human needs with the natural environment.

Join Us in Promoting Sustainable Water Use

Now is the time to embrace conservation and efficient irrigation practices. Hooper Irrigation Company is ready to support you with reliable secondary water services. Explore our Service Agreement to start optimizing your water use today. Contact us directly with any questions or visit our office for further assistance. Together, we can ensure a greener, healthier future; let’s make every drop count.

Secondary Water Service Agreement

  • The undersigned hereby applies for a secondary water connection to the Hooper Irrigation Company (hereafter "Company") Pressure Irrigation System. The undersigned agrees to tender the requested number of Class A shares to be converted to Class C shares as determined by the Company required for the service area. The Service Area associated with this address is defined below.

  • Applicant has read the Company Bylaws, rules and regulations and hereby agrees, in the event this application is granted, that he/she will:

    a) Comply strictly with the bylaws, and rules and regulations of the Company as now constituted or hereafter amended or adopted, and the requirements stated in this application.
    b) Consent to let representatives of the Company enter his/her premises at any reasonable time for purpose of inspecting his irrigation distribution system.
    c) Consent to the discontinuance and or termination of his/her water service in the event he/she should violate any bylaw, rule or regulation related to use of the pressure irrigation.
    d) Notify the Company when installation of his/her pressure irrigation system or any future alterations thereto, is complete and ready for inspection, and not connect to the system nor cover any trenches until such facilities, alterations or additions are inspected and approved by Company.
    e) Agree to not cover valve boxes with structures, vegetation or debris that may restrict the access to the valves and or water system.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Keep Your Water Sustainable