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Development & Canal Crossings

Developers and Contractors: This page is designed to give you all of the information needed to get started on your construction projects with us. Please carefully read all of our essential requirements needed to ensure your permit/approval process goes as smooth as possible.

excavator moving dirt

Construction Specifications for Developers

We set high standards to ensure efficient and durable irrigation systems. Developers are required to comply with our detailed construction specifications for all secondary water projects. Our guidelines cover pipe sizes, trench depth, backfill requirements, and valve installation to ensure we get reliable water delivery. These standards are crucial to maintaining our system’s integrity and efficiency over time. Access the full Construction Details and Specifications PDF to ensure your projects meet our stringent quality benchmarks and follow our procedures.

Download Specs

Hooper Irrigation Details

canal of water

Canal Crossings

Contractors: If you are planning on crossing our canal you will need to apply for a canal crossing permit.  To get a permit you will need to pay a $1,000 escrow and have engineered plans of the crossing sent to us for review.

After the plan and board approval you will receive your permit.  There will need to be a Hooper Irrigation representative present during the canal crossing. Canal crossings will need to be done when there is no water in the canal.

There will be NO CANAL CROSSINGS done during the water season. April 15-October 15

Submit a Developer Application

Developers: If you are developing land and are using Hooper Irrigation as the Secondary Water provider, please know that there are several steps that will need to be taken.

First, you will need to fill out the developer application and pay $1,000 escrow.

Second, you will need to attend a Hooper Irrigation board meeting (second Monday of each month) to discuss the development with the board members. After attending the meeting, the board will decide on the approval of a preliminary will-serve letter.

Third, drawings/plans for the development will need to be sent to our engineer for review. Our engineer will let the developer know if there are any changes that will need to be made to the plans.

Fourth, the correct amount of water shares will need to be deeded to Hooper Irrigation and
connection fees paid. Our engineer will calculate how many water shares will be needed to supply the development based on the drawings, as well as the number of connection fees that will need to be paid.

Fifth, after water has been deeded, connection fees paid, and plans have been approved, the
board will then approve a Final Will-Serve letter.

A representative from Hooper Irrigation will need to attend the pre-construction meeting before groundbreaking on the development. Construction will need to be done to Hooper Irrigation Standards and Details.

  • 1.0 Contact Information
  • 2.0 Development Information
  • 3.0 Canal Information
  • 4.0 Fees

    (To be calculated by Hooper Irrigation Company.)

  • Please submit a plan for review with this application: 2 copies 24”x36” size and an electronic pdf emailed to:

    5.0 Affirmation

    I am aware that Hooper Irrigation Company Board meets once monthly for preliminary approvals and final approvals. Any crossing of the canals will require a License Agreement and Escrow of $1000 for the application. The company will provide to your approving jurisdiction a Preliminary Approval letter and Final approval letter in accordance with our Policies. Plans must be approved with Connection Fees and Shares must be paid prior to Final approval letter. All construction must be to Hooper Irrigation standards.

Keep Your Water Sustainable